Created my own PCB design to accommodate ESP32 microcontroller board of any size, connected to a 10x10 led grid.
Built a custom website to make it very easy to create animations that load to the board and are controlled by custom user built menus while helping people learn to code in the process.
Finished 6th out of 38 competitors for a challenge offered by Wells Fargo through Mindsumo to all campuses.
The idea was that you are given a list of about 7,000 customers and each customer had indications as to how much carbon they consume and how they consume it (automotive transportation habits, AC/heat usage, water consumption habits, etc).
Along with the consumption, a ranking of the quality of life that each utility provided to the customer was given. The goal of the challenge was to use "Machine Learning" in some way to reduce the carbon usage of the customers while not lowering their quality of life.
I chose to clean and separate the data by finding the relation of carbon to life quality (carbon consumption : quality of life).
I then used a K-means unsupervised ML algortihm to group the data into "good" or "bad" customers compared to the other customers consumption patterns.
My idea for the app was that consumers could connect their utilities and then using a KNN ML algorithm attempt to predict whether a customer was being "good" or "bad" based on what percentile they ranked in terms of environmental effects
Colorchasm - Mobile Game - Website Coming Soon; Please Inquire
Google Play Store
Google Admob
First game created, player is rolling along and endless track trying to collect gems and keys in order to make it through the next gate.
Was monetized through banner and pop up ads and published on the Google Play store.
Flatiron - Mobile Game - Website Coming Soon; Please Inquire
Player is controled through "keyring" like movements.
Tail trail renderer that detects a collision. The idea behind this game is that there are 4 waves (small, medium, large, misc.) of enemies and each wave will get progressively more difficult.